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Friends’ Central’s Festive Holiday Assembly

By Kelly McGee (Reporter ‘25)

Even though Christmas Eve was ten days away, Friends’ Central felt merry! To celebrate both the winter holidays and the end of a few hectic weeks for both students and faculty, Friday’s assembly was filled to the brim with holiday cheer and performances FCS will remember for years. Big thanks to Student Council who, after decking the halls, encouraged the student body to come to school decked out in comfy pajamas and ugly Christmas sweaters. The effort they put into organizing assemblies does not go unnoticed. In fact, the StuCo leaders kicked things off with a choreographed dance to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer with Sylvie Hoffman as Rudolph, complete with a fuzzy reindeer onesie and bright red nose.

Keeping with tradition, Ms. Beth led storytime for the seniors gathered on stage. This year the story was Snowmen at Night, by Caralyn Buehner. Next up was a group of six

seniors from Vocal Groups who performed an a capella rendition of “Mary Did You Know?” that could rival Pentatonix. The Upper School had its breath taken away by lovely harmonies and gorgeous solos from Friends’ Central’s talented singers. Luke Halpern ‘25 made his official debut as the House Band bassist and lent his talents to “Let it Snow,” which featured the dulcet tones of Spencer Kim ‘24 and Savina Copas ‘24.

For many, the highlight was the show stopping performance of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” with special surprise guest Brett Blackiston. From his humble origins as a backup singer for Taylor Swift, Brett stepped onto the stage and instantly captivated our attention. His vocal chops are no joke! Brett and Savina earned their standing ovation with a truly iconic performance.

In the midst of an overwhelming workload and global conflicts, the Holiday Assembly was a delightful escape from those hardships and an excellent kickoff into winter break. There is no doubt that it will be remembered as one of the best assemblies of the year.


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